29 Day Reboot Challenge 2019
Who doesn’t need a reboot from time to time?
I’m so excited to join the 3rd annual Grounding Roots 2019 29 Day Reboot Challenge! This challenge will last from July 15 - Aug 12 in which all participants will “Reboot” by picking something fun or challenging that can be incorporated into their daily life. Check out the link above if you’re interested in joining!
I love this idea and I’m picking yoga for my 29 days so stay tuned because I’ll be sharing as much as I can on my Instagram Stories.
Yoga is naturally recharging for me yet I find myself fighting to prioritize the time. I’ve definitely identified the most optimal charging stations in my own life…whether it’s yoga, a trip to (quite literally) any coast, a dietary cleanse, a walk in nature, or prayer/meditation…I know exactly what the items are but have trouble fitting them IN.
Very often time moves too fast, life remains too busy, and like so many others…I admittedly juggle too much. Amidst all the chaos, it’s so important that we still have the liberty to pause when needed, remain mindful and present, as well as find gratitude for all that develops us.
Figuring out how to recharge our own batteries is definitely a win…but is that enough? Typing on my laptop right now serves as a gentle reminder that the answer is most likely, “No.”
Do I need to keep my laptop charged for it to work? - Yes.
Despite a having even the fullest charge, does my computer very often require a reboot? - Yes.
Just like a computer, we also need a reboot from time to time. When a computer is running, various programs and background processes leave behind some level “trash” that needs to be cleaned. We’re the same way…we, too, require the same opportunities to flush out all the random, unimportant, and temporary data bogging down our being.
So cheers to rebooting from time to time! Let’s do it more often!