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How are you managing your energy?

The first law of thermodynamics, states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. That sentence alone could easily justify a lifetime of research, a lifetime of focus, and a lifetime of blogs! To me, the most important component of this law is that energy can be easily transferred from one thing to another. Speaking very simply, the energy we currently have is the energy we currently have. If you expend your energy, you can't just create more. I love the comparison that Hindu priest and international speaker, Dandapani uses:

"...look at energy the same way you look at money. It's a finite resource that needs to be wisely managed, wisely re-alocated, and wisely invested."

Look, I'm just as busy as the next person out here adulting. I've been interrupted no less than 20 times while writing this blog post LOL. The question that I challenge myself with continuously...actually daily...nope...actually minute-by-minute some days is "Mackenzie...girl, what's in your energy bank?" It would be irrational to think that we could just hold all of our good energy stagnant within these bodily vessels that are, mind you...constantly interacting with the physical/mental/spiritual, constantly in motion, constantly metabolizing, and sprinkled with a bit of rest (if you're smart!).

Know your self, know your purpose, and always remain mindful of what your priorities are.

This is the key to managing your energy (this also a great example of when micromanagement actually wins)! Your priorities are based on who you are and what your purpose is.

Know your self!

If this is still unclear to you...welcome to the club! Just try to start by thinking about who you are today. Personally, I began to mature the knowledge of my “current self" into purposeful meditation around specific aspects of my "BEST self."

I know that I was created by the Almighty to be a human on earth, of African decent, a woman, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, an analyst, a creative, an empath, and of course flawed. My best self includes everything above plus all the additional awesomeness that I’ve been created to be! She is centered in every aspect. She is generous and discerning, understanding and protective, kind and honest, humble and confident, compromising and disciplined, patient and focused, peaceful and productive, wise and studious, grateful and aspiring. She is filled with intention, she is healthy, she is forgiving, she is compassionate, she is joyful, she is free, and she is Love. I vividly see and feel her magic dwelling within me which empowers me to "level up" despite the many human shortcomings that I still possess.

Know your purpose! Point blank, you would not have a clear visualization of your best self if it were not meant for you and your purpose!

What's outlined for me, is for me. What's outlined for you, is for you! We are all far from perfect but we have the constant gift and opportunity to live out pieces of our best self every single day! Because of self-identification, I have personally been able to see that my purpose is to simply work towards embodying and sharing my best various formats while leveraging various platforms. This unique purpose has been delivered slowly, carefully, and mercifully in tandem with my own personal studying, prayer, and meditation practices. This purpose also continues to evolve into clearer, more distinct messages with every passing day.

Know your priorities! Our purpose structures the exact repository in which our priorities should be contained.

I have grown closer to my best self solely by the receipt, transfer, and transformation of energy derived from the things and people that I have given the appropriate priority to...and I have been harmed when I got those priorities wrong. As mentioned above, we don't have an unlimited supply of this invaluable energy resource so anything outside of your own repository simply. needs. to go. We need to know exactly what requires our energy, what deserves our energy, what drains our energy, and what replenishes our energy. In addition, I’d be remiss not to insert that energy attracts similar energy and the more you’ve acquired, the more you will attract. Prioritization is vital.

This entire concept requires the constant fixation on, evaluation of, and state of mindfulness around one's self, purpose, and priorities. This is how I've learned to micromanage my energy, unapologetically. This is how I continue to thrive for my purpose. So I’ll end here and revisit my original curiosity as soul food for thought.

How are you managing your energy?


Love & blessings, Mackenzie